Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cobweb Blowout Ride

Rode the Brown Canyon loop this morning while Amy took her new lens-implant eye out for a drive. Two days post-op, her vision is already better, and the surgeon says it will improve further over time. Almost makes cataracts something to look forward to.

On the ride, I reduced my time on the initial climb to 7:50. Recorded the start- and end-point coordinates, allowing the following measurements and calculations:
  • From the Brown Canyon Road entrance to the gate is 0.9mi.
  • In that distance, the road climbs from 5225' to 5565' (net gain of 340').
  • Average grade is 7%; steepest is 13%.
  • Average speed today was 6.9mph, climb rate of 2600'/hour.
I would guess that I'm close to maxed out on climbing speed in the steepest parts, but there's huge room for improvement in the milder grades. A little momentum heading into the final climb wouldn't hurt, either.

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